25年后的“one day”如约而至,李圣杰巡演首站武汉热烈收官! 于万千期待中,25年后的“one day”如约而至,李圣杰于上周六倾情献唱武汉,「痴心绝对」世界巡回演唱会首站在欢呼雷动与合唱不...
(Lady Gaga / Elton John) I heard one sine from above 我听到从天上传来的乐音 Then the signal split in two 它的信号碎成两半 The sound created stars like me and you 那声音创造...
you think about it At least we're not fighting one another There must be hope when we wake up tomorrow When you believe that love is what we need There must be light when we're done with sorrows When you believe we need to fight together as one It...
you think about it At least we're not fighting one another There must be hope when we wake up tomorrow When you believe that love is what we need There must be light when we're done with sorrows When you believe we need to fight together as one It...
One day I will be you baby boy and you gon'be me 喧哗如果不停 让我陪你安静 I wish I could hug you till you're really really being free 哪朵玫瑰没有荆棘 最好的 报复是 美丽 最美的 盛开是 反击 别让谁去 改变了你 你是你 或是妳 都行 会有人 全心的 爱你 试...
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